Archives par mot-clé : Prague

« L’autre 68. Leçons du Printemps de Prague »

« L’autre 68. Leçons du Printemps de Prague » – ma nouvelle publication dans la Revue Esprit. 50 ans après, l’engagement pour les libertés de Vaclav Havel et sa génération doit nous inspirer le courage de défendre, à notre tour, la démocratie européenne.

‪Après plusieurs rencontres passionnantes avec des militants pour les droits humains en Europe centrale et orientale, je propose de voir quelles leçons de cet « autre mai 1968 » et des réflexions de Václav Havel pouvons-nous utiliser pour répondre aux enjeux européens aujourd’hui.‬

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Tribune en anglais dans Politico : « Prague Spring a reminder of threats to Europe »

Tribune publiée en anglais dans Politico : « Prague Spring a reminder of threats to Europe ».


As we mark the anniversary of the 1968 Prague Spring — when Warsaw Pact tanks crushed the hopes of a pro-democracy movement — it is tempting to imagine that the era of authoritarian powers has come to an end. That fundamental rights and freedoms are secure in Europe. That its citizens, armed with the memory of the 20th century, would not wish to see brutal governments return. But that would be a mistake.

Fifty years after tanks rolled into Prague, and almost 30 years after the Berlin Wall came down, authoritarianism is back at the heart of the EU, a union founded on the promise of “never again.”

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Tribune en anglais dans Politico : « Prague Spring a reminder of threats to Europe »

Tribune publiée en anglais dans Politico : « Prague Spring a reminder of threats to Europe ».


As we mark the anniversary of the 1968 Prague Spring — when Warsaw Pact tanks crushed the hopes of a pro-democracy movement — it is tempting to imagine that the era of authoritarian powers has come to an end. That fundamental rights and freedoms are secure in Europe. That its citizens, armed with the memory of the 20th century, would not wish to see brutal governments return. But that would be a mistake.

Fifty years after tanks rolled into Prague, and almost 30 years after the Berlin Wall came down, authoritarianism is back at the heart of the EU, a union founded on the promise of “never again.”

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